Past Speakers

Click on meeting number to see minutes.

113821 Nov 23Swartwout, MeredithSnake reproduction
113717 Oct 23Leadbeater, DaleCity of Kawartha Lakes Flora
113619 Sep 23Brodie membersVarious
11359 May 23Seymour, KevinWhy birds are dinosaurs
113418 Apr 23Eckenwalter, JimWriting ‘Trees of Ontario’
113321 Mar 23Iles, NickTuzo Wilson: plate tectonics
113221 Feb 23Chevalier, DanielArboretum Management
113117 Jan 23Moldowan, PatrickCorvid hyperpredation of tortoises
113013 Dec 22Jones, ColinStudy of Ontario insects in digital age
112915 Nov 22Dunn, EricaAvian irruption
112818 Oct 22Brodie membersVarious
11272 Nov 21Morris, StephenCracking the Giant’s Causeway
112618 Feb 20Feltham, JoshFive-lined Skinks: Life on the Edge
112521 Jan 20Agro, DavidSaving rare birds in Ecuador
112417 Dec 19Davy, ChristinaThinking like a turtle
112319 Nov 19Moldowan, PatrickSalamander studies
112215 Oct 19Gartshore, MaryHabitat restoration in Norfolk County
112117 Sep 19Brodie MembersVarious
112021 May 19Wilson, ChrisEvolution and Paleoecology of Lake Trout
111916 Apr 19Johnson, MarcEvolution as a result of urbanization
111819 Mar 19Fraser, GailCormorants at Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto
111719 Feb 19Oldham, MikeRare plants of Ontario
111615 Jan 19Eyles, NickGlacial ice streams
111518 Dec 18Tomlinson, DavidNatural area planning in Aurora
111420 Nov 18Whittam, TerryMonarch butterfly tagging
111316 Oct 18Strickland, DanCanada Jays
111218 Sep 18Brodie membersVarious
111115 May 18Bell, AnneMadagascar
111017 Apr 18Addison, EdParasites of Ontario
110920 Mar 18Beresford, DavidBiting flies of Ontario
110820 Feb 18Dunn, EricaWhat good is a bird observatory
110716 Jan 18Kvist, SebastianNatural history of leeches
110612 Dec 17Campbell, LesleyNatural history of social drug plants
110521 Nov 17Welch, KenHummingbird physiological ecology
110417 Oct 17Latta, MariAuger archaeological site
110319 Sep 17Brodie membersvarious
110223 May 17Peter, JustinRajasthan and Gujarat
110118 April 17Moldowan, PatrickBiodiversity and conservation on Mauritius
110014 Mar 17Runtz, MichaelHow beavers enhance sex life of moose
109921 Feb 17Raboy, BeckyLion tamarins of Brazil
109817 Jan 17Dengler, NancyInside C4 photosynthesis
109713 Dec 16Mill, PeterOntario amphibians throughout development
109615 Nov 16Nol, EricaSurvival of songbirds in settled landscapes
109518 Oct 16Schueler, Fred and Karstad, AletaMudpuppies
109418 Sep 16Brodie members
109317 May 16Peregrine, AndrewLyme disease
109219 Apr 16Casselman, JohnHistorical overview: Lake Sturgeon
109115 Mar 16Obbard, MartyPolar Bears: is there a tipping point?
109016 Feb 16Kotanen, PeterDo invasive plants escape their enemies?
108919 Jan 16Stutchbury, BridgetNew discoveries in bird migration
108815 Dec 15Evans, DavidNew golden age of Canadian dinosaur discovery
108717 Nov 15Richter, ChristophWhale studies
108620 Oct 15Crins, BillNatural Heritage Systems in Ontario
108515 Sep 15Brodie MembersVarious
10845 May 15McCauley, ShannonBiology and ecology of Odonata
108321 Apr 15Morris, TodConservation of Ontario’s freshwater mussels
108217 Mar 15Jackson, DonWhat is happening to (and in) Ontario lakes?
108117 Feb 15Barrett, SpencerPlant sex in the wild
108020 Jan 15Cockcroft, RobAncient Egyptian astronomy
107916 Dec 14Patterson, BrentToward Science Based Management of Wolves and Coyotes in Ontario
107818 Nov 14Guglielmo, ChrisPhysiological Ecology of migration in birds and bats
107721Oct 14Somerset, FelicityBirds, beasts, bugs and other delights
107616 Sep 14Brodie MembersVarious
10756 May 14Zoladeski, ChrisMiocene Legacy: floral similarities of east Asia and eastern North America
107415 Apr 14Bousfield, EdAmphipods: shrimp without shells
107318 Mar 14Seymour, KevinThe Five Great Extinctions – are we starting a Sixth?
107218 Feb 14Curry, Bob and Slessor, GlendaBhutan
107121 Jan 14Gwynne, DarrylSix-legged sex: mating meals and sex differences
107017 Dec 13Brodie membersBruce Falls’ biography and career
106917-Nov-13Riley, JohnOnce and future Great Lakes country
106815-Oct-13Casselman, JohnDramatic decline of the American eel
1068a  Casselman slides
106717-Sep-13Brodie MembersVarious
1067-a  Kotanen slides
10667-May-13Paterson, JamesOntario Atlas of Reptiles and Amphibians
106516-Apr-13Ambrose, JohnPlants & curious critters of Pelee Island
106419-Mar-13Sage, RowanGlobal change-more than just climate change
106319-Feb-13Baker, AllanSnowbirds in the Land of Fire: Red Knots in winter
106215-Jan-13Rudkin, DavidLife and times of the earliest horseshoe crabs
106111-Dec-12Larsen, EllenLichens
106020-Nov-12Bowman, JeffOntario flying squirrels
105916-Oct-12Sutherland, DonSutton Ridges
105818-Sep-12Brodie membersVarious
10571-May-12Dunn, EricaCitizen science and the study of natural history
105617-Apr-12Holm, ErlingFishes of Ontario
105520-Mar-12Crins, BillBirding in northern Peru
105421-Feb-12Fenton, BrockThe world through the ears of a bat
105317-Jan-12Frederickson, MeganAnts, plants and the tropical forest
105213-Dec-11Brodie membersVarious
105115-Nov-11Imhoff, JackNavigating the biodiversity of Canada’s stream corridors: an exploration
105018-Oct-11McNeil, JeremyMonarch butterfly migration
104920-Sep-11Brodie membersVarious
10483-May-11Seymour, KevinWhat the fossil record tells us about the evolution of flight and echolocation in bats
104715-Apr-11Rowe, LockeSexual conflict in the evolution of sexual dimorphism: patterns and process
104615-Mar-11Fryxell, JohnSpatial predator-prey dynamics in the Serengeti
104515-Feb-11Addison, EdUnique and diverse flora: the antithesis in the Antipodes
104418-Jan-11Packer, LaurenceBees
104314-Dec-10Rising, JimSpeciation, hybrid zones, and geographic variation in birds
104216-Nov-10Weis, ArthurThe curious history (natural and scientific) of plant galls
104119-Oct-10Shen, ChenPeking Man
104021-Sep-10Brodie membersVarious
103911-May-10Paleczny, DanPlanning, development and eco-tourism considerations for the Valley of the Whales or Wadi el Hitan, a World Heritage Site
103820-Apr-10Stutchbury, BridgetThe bird detective: reflections on bird behaviour
103715-Mar-10Evans, DavidThe multi-stressor state of Lake Simcoe: influence of nutrient loading, invasive species, and climate change
103616-Feb-10Eyles, NickCanada, Ontario and Toronto rocks
103519-Jan-10Wilson, RobMovement and spatial distribution of Massasauga rattlesnakes and eastern hog-nosed snakes: implications for interactions with roads
103415-Dec-09Strickland, DanWhat originally prevented, and later what permitted, the great northern expansion of White-tailed Deer?”
103317-Nov-09Ray, JustinaCaribou in the changing north
103220-Oct-09Daly, MartinThe social ecology of lethal competition in Homo sapiens
103115-Sep-09Brodie membersVarious
10305-May-09Darling, ChristopherCharles Darwin and the nature of the naturalist
102921-Apr-09Obbard, MartinCurrent status of the southern Hudson Bay polar bear population
102818-Mar-09Addison, Ed and RoseLand forms and fauna in Australia
102717-Feb-09Wilkinson, RonaldFrom Paleo-Indians to Parliament: serving Ontario’s archeological past
102620-Jan-09Gray, PaulClimate change in Ontario: some emerging axioms
102516-Dec-08Curry, RobertNorthern Peru: October-November 2007
102414-Nov-08Jenish, D’ArcyEpic Wanderer: David Thompson and the mapping of the Canadian West
102321-Oct-08Iron, JeanAkimiski Island in James Bay, Nunavut
102216-Sep-08Brodie membersVarious
10215-May-08Casselman, JohnEels at the edge
102015-Apr-08Falls, Bruce and Falls, AnnFluctuations of deer mice in Ontario in relation to seed crops
101918-Mar-08Bendell, JimLife in the Ottawa Valley (mostly Blue Grouse)
101819-Feb-08DeMarco, JerryEndangered species protection in Ontario
101715-Jan-08Tinline, RolyRabies in Ontario, past, present, future
101611-Dec-07Johnson, TimRound Gobies, re-engineering Great Lakes ecosystem
101520-Nov-07McIlveen, WilliamExtinction among insects
101416-Oct-07Iron, JeanSouthbound shorebirds
101318-Sep-07Brodie membersVarious
10128-May-07Johnson, BobEmerging issues in amphibian and reptile conservation
101120-Apr-07Storck, PeterJourney to the Ice Age
101020-Mar-07Fullard, JamesThe ecology and evolution of moth hearing
100920-Feb-07Tomlinson, DavidSelecting, Designing, Managing and Monitoring
Urban Wildlife Areas
100801/16/07Weseloh, D.V. (Chip) WeselohDouble-crested Cormorants of the Great Lakes
100712-Dec-06Johnson, MarcPlant genetic variation shapes insect communities
100621-Nov-06Reisz, RobertEarliest dinosaur embryos – significance for evolution
100517-Oct-06Andrade, MaydianneMating strategies of cannibalistic spiders
100419-Sep-06Brodie membersVarious
10039-May-06Crins, BillHow protected areas are selected
100218-Apr-06Addison, EdA difficult year in the life of a moose
100121-Mar-06Mills, AlexBiology of migration timing
100021-Feb-06 Meeting invitation
100021-Feb-06 Program and menu
100021-Feb-06Scott, Steve, and Falls, BruceVolcanoes, life and mineral resources of the deep sea, and Restrospective of the Brodie Club
99917-Jan-06Eckenwalder, JimNatural history of poplars
99813-Dec-05Brooks, DanPreserving natural history
99715-Nov-05Hebert, PaulThe barcode of life
99618-Oct-05Seymour, KevinSouth American cats
99520-Sep-05Brodie membersVarious
99410-May-05Ewins, PeterClimate change in an Arctic ecosystem
99319-Apr-05Shettleworth, SaraDo animals think? [No write-up in minutes]
99215-Mar-05Falls, Bruce and Falls, AnnThe Brodie Club goes to India
99115-Feb-05Casselman, JohnClimate and Great Lakes fisheries
99018-Jan-05Morton, EugeneWhy tropical birds are different
98914-Dec-04Brooks, RonTurtles
98816-Nov-04Strickland, DanGray Jay
98719/109/04Diego Garcia-Bellido, DiegoBurgess Shale
98621-Sep-09Brodie membersVarious
9854-May-04Douglas, MarianneAntarctic’s changing environment
98420-Apr-04Jones, ColinDragonflies and damselflies of Ontario
98316-Mar-04Rising, JamesAttenborough film – “Life of Birds”
98217-Feb-04Kapches, MimaArchaeology of Toronto
98120-Jan-04Riley, JohnConservation planning in Ontario
9809-Dec-03Bousfield, EdSearch for aquatic megaserpents in Pacific North America
97918-Nov-03Thomson, JamesFates of pollen grains & nature of mutualism
97821-Oct-03Seymour, KevinIce age faunas of the Toronto area
97716-Sep-03Brodie membersVarious
97620-May-03Lumsden, HarryTravels in eastern Russia
97515-Apr-03McCarthy, FrancineThe deep sea drilling project
97418-Mar-03Barrett, SpencerGenetic modification of plants and biodiversity
97318-Feb-03McLeish, DavidManagement of aquatic resources of the Great Lakes
97221-Jan-03Agrawal, AnuragOffence-defense interactions between insects and plants
97110-Dec-02Brooks, DanVoyage of discovery: maximising our efforts in the global inventory
97019-Nov-02numerousRemembering Bill Carrick
96914-Oct-02Johnson, MarcNature around the world
96817-Sep-02Brodie membersVarious
96721-May-02Mason, TomCanadian Organization for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation
96616-Apr-02Gross, MartAquaculture: boon or bane
96519-Mar-02Boonstra, RudyWhat causes the snowshoe hare cycle in the northern boreal forests?
96419-Feb-02Tasker, Ron, and Tasker, MaryCruise of the Northwest Passage
96315-Jan-02Desser, SherwinHow a little knowledge of parasitology can ruin your life
96211-Dec-01Money, PeterPenguins, petrels, pinnipends, Pleurophyllum, Plus
96110-Nov-01Addison, EdWhat makes a moose tick
96016-Oct-01Martin, NormBiotic forest communities of Ontario
95918-Sep-01Brodie membersVarious
95815-May-01Lumsden, HarryRussia, 2000
95717-Apr-01Speakman, JohnAn Arctic retrospective
95620-Mar-01Crins, BillHover-flies (Syrphidae) in Ontario
95520-Feb-01Larsen, DouglasThe paradox of great age in a short-lived species: Escarpment cedar
95416-Jan-01Hussell, David and Dunn, EricaSetting priorities for conservation of Canadian birds beyond VTE (Vulnerable, Threatened, Endangered)
95312-Dec-00Darling, ChristopherVignettes of natural history
95221-Nov-00Bryant, GeorgeAround the World in 120 days: natural history on seven continents
95117-Oct-00Eadie, SandraFrench Polynesia, the Cook Islands and northern Queensland through the eyes of a naturalist
95019-Sep-00Brodie membersVarious
94916-May-00Carrick, BillA history of wildlife filming
94818-Apr-00Boswell, MaryAntarctica 2000
94721-Mar-00Low, TomWhat does global warming have to do with severe weather events?
94615-Feb-00Addison, EdWildlife corridors — beneficial or detrimental?
94518-Jan-00Abraham, KenThe natural history of southwest Baffin: an expedition to the Great Plains fo Baffin Island
9444-Dec-99Falls, BruceThe Brodie Club goes to Brazil (video)
94316-Nov-99Morris, GlennKatydid conversations
94219-Oct-99Bryant, GeorgeWhat to pack for a four-month world tour: misadventures of a tour leader
94121-Sep-99Brodie membersVarious
94018-May-99McAndrews, JockThe Geology of the Oak Ridges Moraine
93920-Apr-99Carrick, BillInduced migration of Tundra Swans
93816-Mar-99Harvey, HaroldClimate change and fish
93716-Feb-99Lumsden, HarryThe natural history of the Magadan region of eastern Siberia
93619-Jan-99Pendergast, DavidThe Mayans
93516-Dec-98Falls, BruceA video tour of South Africa
93417-Nov-98Curry, RobertA seasonal chronology of butterflies in the Hamilton Region
93320-Oct-98Riley, JohnNiagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve
93215-Sep-98Fairfield, GeorgeAshbridges Bay
93119-May-98Gwynne, DarrylNew Zealand wetas and Darwinian sexual selection
93021-Apr-98Theberge, JohnWolves of Algonquin Park
92917-Mar-98Bendell, JimIce storm, and Attawapiskat River trip
92817-Feb-98Whelan, Peter; Carrick, BillIce storm; films
92720-Jan-98Daniels, SidAmphibians and reptiles of the eastern U.S.A.
92616-Dec-97Koslovic, DanThe biology of House Finches
92518-Nov-97Sadler, DougBirds in archeological sites in Ontario
92421-Oct-97Tasker, Ron, Falls, BruceNorthern India (including some video)
92316-Sep-97Brodie membersVarious
92220-May-97Rapley, WilliamKomodo Dragons: modern dinosaurs
92115-Apr-97Desloges, JjoeWater under glaciers
92018-Mar-97Abraham, KenAre there too many Snow Geese?
91918-Feb-97Zomel, NoeTristan da Cunha
91821-Jan-97Wedin, DavidPrairie ecosystems of Ontario and the Great Plains
91710-Dec-96Brodie membersVarious
91619-Nov-96Fowle, David; Rapley, Bill; Huff, Don; Riley, JohnWorld Conservation Congress, Montreal
91515-Oct-96McLean, GeorgeDevelopment of a wildlife artist
91417-Sep-96Rising, JimTravels in Zimbabwe
91321-May-96Boyer, MichaelTaxonomic problems in identifying mushrooms of Muskoka and Algonquin Park regions
91216-Apr-96Scovell, RonBirding adventures in Peru
91119-Mar-96Murphy, BobBiodiversity in Vietnam
91020-Feb-96Obbard, MartinStudies of the black bear in Ontario
90916-Jan-96Falls, BruceThe Galapagos Islands
90812-Dec-95Brodin, AndersFood hoarding in titmice and chickadees
90721-Nov-95Gibo, DavidFlight tactics in monarch butterflies
90616-Oct-95McAndrews, JockStump fences, white pine and the Little Ice Age
90519-Sep-95Brodie membersVarious
90416-May-95Riley, JohnHistory of Prairie habitat in Ontario
90318-Apr-95Carrick, BillPersonal experiences with leading waterfowl
90221-Mar-95Myles, TimJourney to the termite
90121-Feb-95Hubbes, MartinDutch Elm Disease
90017-Jan-95 Meeting program
90017-Jan-95Sinclair, ListerEmergent properties
899Dec 94minutes missing 
898Nov 94minutes missing 
89718-Oct-94Brodie membersVarious
89620-Sep-94Ranford, BarryThe Franklin expedition
89517-May-94Rapley, WilliamConservation of gorillas
89419-Apr-94Rising, JimBiochemical evidence for avian relationships
89315-Mar-94Bishop, ChristineSnapping turtle biology
89215-Feb-94Hamr, PremekCrayfish tales from Ontario to Tasmania
89118-Jan-94Stutchbury, BridgetHooded Warblers: extra-pair mating and DNA fingerprinting
89014-Dec-93Lang, TonyVariation in the Fox Sparrow
88916-Nov-93Knapton, RichardWaterfowl research at Long Point
88819-Oct-93Tovell, WalterGeology of the Niagara Escarpment
88721-Sep-21Brodie membersVarious
88618-May-93Savage, HowardHair of early North American humans
88520-Apr-93Plowright, ChrisTaking bumblebees seriously
88416-Mar-93Bendell, JimGrouse, hares and elephants
88316-Feb-93McInnes, CharlesRabies Control in Ontario
88219-Jan-93Tasker, RonBirding in Irian Jaya, New Guinea
88115-Dec-92Johnston, RobertRole of the zoo in herptile conservation
88017-Nov-92Darling, ChristopherCollecting insects in Indonesia
87920-Oct-92Grayson, JohnDarwin’s last fling
87815-Sep-12Brodie membersVarious
87719-May-92Savage, HowardPrehistoric fauna of the Niagara Escarpment
87621-Apr-92Collins, DesmondThe Burgess Shales
87517-Mar-92Martin, NormaCatherine Parr Traill, pioneer botanist, and the Rice Lake Plains
87418-Feb-92Aird, PaulThe Ottawa Valley: A chronicle of changing concepts in forest conservation
87321-Jan-92Boonstra, RudyAre snowshoe hares the centre of the boreal forest ecosystem?
87217-Dec-91Hussell, DavidDeclines in Neotropical migrant birds: how good is the evidence?
87119-Nov-91Falls, Bruce; Bendell, JimBrodie Club members at the Antipodes
87015-Oct-91Whitlock, KellyTraining dolphins in Colombia
86917-Sep-91Duncan, BruceVirginia Opossum
86821-May-91Lindgren, RickClass Environment Assessment of Timber Management
86716-Apr-91Churcher, C. S.Characteristics of the desert around Dakhla Oasis, Egypt
86619-Mar-91Lumsden, HarryRestoration of the Trumpeter Swan
86519-Feb-91Crossman, EdBuilding the fish collection at the Royal Ontario Museum
86415-Jan-91Crins, BillFlavenoid chemistry and evolution in the tarweeds
86318-Dec-90Riley, JohnGeography and distribution puzzles of northern Ontario
86220-Nov-90Cadman, MikeAtlassing in Ontario: rare birds, and mammals
86116-Oct-90Pilliar, RobDental implants
86017-Sep-90Savage, Howard; Riley, JohnSpelunking for faunal bone in the Niagara Escarpment
85915-May-90McNicholl, MartinThe Cuban connection: training bird banders
85817-Apr-90Bennett, JohnWild Turkey management in Ontario
85720-Mar-90Hussell, DavidFactors affecting clutch size in Tree Swallows
85620-Feb-90Wernaart, MartinMountsberg Conservation Area
85516-Jan-90Carrick, BillSwans, geese and other topics
85419-Dec-89Falls, BruceNature tour, Costa Rica
85321-Nov-89Herzberg, LouisePocketful of Galls: William Brodie
85216-Oct-89Huff, DonEnvironment assessment hearing, timber management
85119-Sep-89Armson, KenEnvironmental Assessment Hearings on Forest Management
85016-May-89Fleming, IanReproductive ecology of Pacific salmon
84918-Apr-89Reynolds, JohnSexual selection in Trinidadian guppies
84821-Mar-89Engstrom, MarkThe biogeography of the Yucatan Peninsula
84721-Feb-89Tasker, RonNatural history trip to USSR
84617-Jan-89Edmund, Gordon30 years’ study of fossil giant armadillos
84520-Dec-88Sherry, DavidMemory and the brain in food-storing birds
84415-Nov-88Watt, MelanieJaguars of Belize: the year of the jaguar
84318-Oct-88Gruspier, Kathy; Mullin, GrantMining, disease and the medieval population of Rocca San Silvestro, Province of Tuscany, Italy
84220-Sep-88Taylor, MarkThe biology and conservation of small mammalian carnivores
84117-May-88Euler, DavidNative wildlife in captivity
84019-Apr-88Churcher, C. S.Faunas of the Dakleh Oasis, Egypt
83915-Mar-88Jefferies, RobertThe Snow Geese of La Perouse Bay
83816-Feb-88Storck, PeterNew findings on an old subject: Palaeo-Indians in Ontario
83719-Jan-88Nicks, TrudyIndians, animals and the fur trade
83615-Dec-87Morgan-Jones, JohnPenicillin: the first of the miracle drugs
83517-Nov-87Cadman, MikeAtlas of the Breeding birds of Ontario
83420-Oct-87Grace, KenUnraveling termite behaviour: problems and management
83315-Sep-87Gryfe, ArtNorthern Chile: geography and peoples, past and present
83219-May-87Lovesek, JimMermaids and man-eaters
83121-Apr-87Smith, MaryTreasure from the deep: Coelacanth
83017-Mar-87Barrett, SuzanneEnvironmental issues in the Amazon Basin
82917-Feb-87Imhoff, JackStream rehabilitation: theory and application
82820-Jan-87Stabb, MarkThe ecology and status of flying squirrels in Ontario
82716-Dec-86Lumsden, HarryRe-introduction of the Trumpeter Swan into Ontario
82618-Nov-86Carrick, BillWildlife photography
82521-Oct-86Speakman, JohnA trip down the Coppermine River
82416-Sep-86McIlwraith, TomField naturalist and field culturist in the Ontario countryside
82320-May-86Livingston, JohnThe fur issue
82215-Apr-86Murphy, BobGenes, tectonic plates and reptiles of Baja California
82118-Mar-86Edmund, GordonCurrent research on armadillos
82018-Feb-86Bousfield, EdThe Order Amphipoda
81921-Jan-86Calder, DaleAtlantic coast jellyfish
81817-Dec-85Strzalkowski, MarthaThe fascinating world of the Comet Halley
81719-Nov-85Gibo, DonaldControl of flight direction in migrating butterflies
81615-Oct-85Bodsworth, FredSoviet birds and politics
81517-Sep-85Horne, PatrickPalaeopathology: mummies I have known
8147-May-85Lambie, IanOilbirds
8139-Apr-85Scott, Peter; Bentley, CathyThe tree line at Churchill, Manitoba
81219-Mar-85Weseloh, Chipthe Herring Gull egg monitoring programme
81119-Feb-85Baker, AllanEvolution of Chaffinch populations of Atlantic islands
81015-Jan-85Timmer, VicSoils: what they are and what they do
80918-Dec-84Stewart, DarrylThe butterflies of Point Pelee
80820-Nov-84Bortolotti, GaryThe natural history of Bald Eagles in Saskatchewan
80716-Oct-84Aird, PaulEastern red and white pine timber harvests
80618-Sep-84Jones, IanAncient Murrelets
80515-May-84Martin, Norm; Martin, Normathe biology of Liberia
80417-Apr-84Voigt, DennisThe wildlife rabies program
80320-Mar-84Aird, Paul and Bendell, Jim; Riley, John; Pope, DonThe Attawapiskat River and its environs
80221-Feb-84Sherry, DavidMemory in food-storing birds
80117-Jan-84Reading, KenBotanical and mineraliogical survey of the northern wilderness
80012-Dec-83Cruise, JimThe ROM and the Brodie Club association
79915-Nov-83Cosens, SusanProblems of sound transmission by birds
79818-Oct-83Reynolds, JohnRed-necked Phalaropes and other wildlife, Churchill, Manitoba
79715-Nov-83Morgan-Jones, JohnMushrooms, history and crime
79617-May-83Chapman, ChristopherFilms: “Seasons” and “Quetico Park”
79519-Apr-83Hollett, AlanThe Dakleh Oasis, Egypt
79415-Mar-83Cadman, MikeThe Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas
79315-Feb-83Varga, SteveThreatened natural areas around Toronto
79218-Jan-83Falls, BruceFauna and flora of Kenya, Tanzania and Seychelles Islands
79114-Dec-82Jenkins, PeterSome New Zealand birds and islands
79016-Nov-82Nasmith, Eric; Aird, PaulPerspectives on the Queen Charlotte Islands
78919-Oct-82Gunn, DonaldNative orchids of Canada
78821-Sep-82Fetteroff, PeterThe gulls and terns of Toronto Harbour
78718-May-82Irving, WilliamBone implements from the Old Crow Flats and other subjects
78620-Apr-82Falls, BruceWhitethroat’s colour and behaviour
78516-Mar-82Tasker, RonElectrical mapping of the human brain
78416-Feb-83Riley, John; Boissoneau, ArtThe Hudson Bay Lowlands
78319-Jan-82Crins, BillSome aspects of the natural history of northern Nigeria
78215-Dec-81McAndrews, JockOntario forests and prehistoric people
78110-Nov-81Nero, BobGreat Grey Owls
78020-Oct-81Mitchell, LauraleeBirding in Siberia and Mongolia
77915-Sep-81Johstone, E. F. 
77819-May-81Carrick, BillWater World
77721-Apr-81Hummel, MonteCanada’s position on whaling
77617-Mar-81Reid, RonThe natural history of wetlands
77517-Feb-81Ankenman, GrantThe reptiles of Ontario
77420-Jan-81Maycock, PaulThe Southern Deciduous Forest
77316-Dec-80Speakman, JohnCataracts: Diagnosis, classification and treatment
77218-Nov-80Barr, J.Loon species in Canada
77121-Oct-80Winterbottom, RickIs the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean dying?
77016-Sep-80Beebe, BrendaLate Pleistocene fauna of the Old Crow region of the northern Yukon
76920-May-80Falls, BruceBirdsong
76815-Apr-80Reading, KenInto darkest Darien
76718-Mar-80Naylor, BruceLife history and adaptation of salamanders
76619-Feb-80Lumsden, HarryMetro waterfowl, including the Giant Canada Geese
76515-Jan-80Hubbes, MartinDutch Elm Disease
76418-Dec-79Cullen, J. B.Thallium poisoning in the gorilla
76320-Nov-79Savage, HowardNakht: A weaver of Thebes, 3200 years ago
76216-Oct-79Bendell, JimThe Blue Grouse: Questions in population biology
76118-Sep-79Evans, PeterShorebirds on the River Tees
76015-May-79Bertin, LeonardHarrisburg-Three Mile Island nuclear facility
75917-Apr-79Garrad, CharlesThe Petuns: Ontario indians of the Turtle Clan
75820-Mar-79Harvey, HaroldEnvironment acidification in the past ten years
75720-Feb-79Miner, JohnMovement of fishes in bodies of water
75616-Jan-79Henderson, BrianStudies of the European rabbit near Aberdeen, Ccotland
75519-Dec-78Freedman, William and Catling, PaulA snake population near Amherstberg, Essex County
75421-Nov-78Catling, PaulOrchid polination
75317-Oct-78Carrick, BillMan’s domestication of animals
75219-Sep-78Penhale, BarryConservation of frogs, snakes and turtles in Ontario
75126-May-78Crossman, EdThe muskellunge in Ontario
75018-Apr-78Falls, BruceSocial evening
75018-Apr-78Clarke, DougHistorical overview
74921-Mar-78Yorga-Walke, BrianEskimo ingenuity: A prehistoric perspective
74821-Feb-77Goodwin, MelHawksbill turtles of the Grenadine Islands
74717-Jan-78Hamel, PeterBird life in El Salvador
74620-Dec-77Campbell, HughIt’s for the birds
74515-Nov-77Tasker, RonObservations on the Upper Amazon
74420-Oct-77Aird, PaulThe search for the Kirtland’s Warbler in Ontario
74320-Sep-77James, RossThe bird population of Pickle Lake, northern Ontario
74217-May-77Baker, AlanThe oystercatcher in New Zealand
74119-Apr-77Freedman, BillEnvironmental effects of boreal oil spills
74015-Mar-77Fowle, DavidThe spruce budworm in Canada
73915-Feb-77Savage, HowardDomestic chickens in Canada in 17th-19th centuries
73818-Jan-77Catling, PaulPlant distribution in Ontario
73721-Dec-76MacLeod, DonCommunity and government in Archaeology
73616-Nov-76Speakman, JohnOphthalmological conditions in northern Canada
73519-Oct-76Rogers, EdNorthern Ontario Indian subsistence since contact
73421-Sep-76Alison, BobLegislation re aviculture
73318-May-76Dorland, Ross; MacKenzie, DonnaMosquito-borne encephalitis in Ontrio
73220-Apr-76Baker, AlanGeographic variation in Arctic hares
73116-Mar-76Thompson, DonThe gray squirrels in Mount Pleasant Cemetery
73017-Feb-76Brodie MembersVarious
72920-Jan-76Bondrup-Neilsen, SorenThe Boreal Owls near Kapuskasing
72819-Dec-75Scott, BevRecent changes in the Great Lakes commercial fisheries
72718-Nov-75Ladell, JohnUrban development in Mississauga
72621-Oct-75Savage, Howard; Nagorsen, DaveField work at Old Crow, Yukon Territory
72516-Sep-75Barlow, Jon; James, RossIs the Traill’s Flycatcher problem still a problem?
72420-May-75Sigmon, BeckieEarly man in Africa
72315-Apr-75Lawrie, AndrewThe management of the Great Lakes
72219-Mar-75Clarke, DougThe sport of hunting
72118-Feb-75Schueler, AletaBiological illustrating
72021-Jan-75Edmund, GordonSloths, anteaters and armadilloes
71916-Dec-74Skeel, MargaretNesting habits of the Hudsonian Curlew
71819-Nov-74Tamsitt, JimColombia
71715-Oct-74Savage, Howard; Lewin, PeterThe Mummy Nakht
71617-Sep-74Barlow, JonField trip and conference, Canberra, Australia
71521-May-74Outram, AlanExtinctions
71417-Apr-74Ball, IanFree-living flatworms – Planaria
71319-Mar-74Lumbers, SydneyDiamondiferous rocks of Lesotho and SouthAfrica Republic
71219-Feb-74Parsons, TomFossil food chains
71115-Jan-74Bendell, JimThe forests of British Columbia
71018-Dec-73Carrick, BillPhoto safari to Zambia
70920-Nov-73Davis, RolfEnvironmental bird aspects of the Mackenzie River pipe-line
70817-Oct-73Pryor, FrancisThe Fengate Site, England
70718-Sep-73Ramaikess, PaulField trip to Ellesmere Island
70615-May-73Emery, AlanCoral reef ecology
70517-Apr-73Bubenik, AnthonyAntlers and horns
70419-Mar-73McAndrews, JockLake Agassiz lives on
70320-Feb-73Hamel, PeterHuman and other animal ecology in Uganda
70216-Jan-73Hussell, DavidMigratory energy of birds
70119-Dec-72Davis, RolfComparative ecology of the Arctic and Red-throated Loon
70021-Nov-72Brodie, SteveSocial evening
69918-Oct-72Peck, GeorgeBreeding birds in the Subarctic
69819-Sep-72Sabelis, HerbertMarine invertebrates
69717-May-72Gait, RobertQuartz
69618-Apr-72Storck, PeterEarliest human occupation of Ontario
69521-Mar-72Irving, WilliamEarly Man and Pleistocene mammals in the Yukon
69415-Feb-72Savage, Howard; Churcher, C. S.Kom-Ombo: A pre-dynastic site in Upper Egypt; Unusual bone findings at archaeological sites
69318-Jan-72Scott, BevThe swordfish
69221-Dec-71Colins, DesmondThe sex life of the squid
69116-Nov-71James, RossWhy do vireos sing?
69019-Oct-71Middleton, A. L. A.Finches
68921-Sep-71Long, CharlesBiology of the American Robin
68818-May-71Karstad, LarsWildlife diseases of Ontario
68720-Apr-71Carrick, Bill“Springtail” – life history of the Pintail
68616-Mar-71Kisko, LeslieThe dire wolf
68516-Feb-71Tovell, WalterThe geology of Iceland
68419-Jan-71McGowan, ChrisIchthyosaurs
68317-Dec-70Russell, LorisThe great Saskatchewan mouse mine
68217-Nov-70McKeating, GeraldRecent trends in the Federation of Ontario Naturalists
68120-Oct-70Power, DennisThe problem of incentives of human population control
68015-Sep-70Barlow, JonThe use of behaviourism in studying bird relationships
67921-May-70Savage, HowardBirds in Canadian prehistory
67821-Apr-70Peterson, RandolphThe Cameroun
67717-Mar-70Chant, DonaldThe Mid-Canada Development Foundation
67617-Feb-70McAndrews, JockPollen analysis in the changing vegetation and climate in the Great Lakes region
67520-Jan-70Geraghty, PaulSketch book safari – Great Britain and Africa
67416-Dec-69Wiggins, GlennLife in a part-time pond: caddis flies
67318-Nov-69Orenstein, RonA Pacific odyssey
67221-Oct-69Rising, JamesHybridization of orioles in the Great Plains
67116-Sep-69Barr, DavidThe biology of water mites
67020-May-69Collins, DesmondPrehistoric submarines
66915-Apr-69Churcher, C. S.Early North American man
66818-Mar-69Clark, GordonThe ecological effect of nuclear warfare
66718-Feb-69Falls, BruceBird-song
66621-Jan-69Mosovsky, NicholasOrientation in turtles
66517-Dec-68Edmund, GordonFossil hunting
66419-Nov-68Morris, Glen K.Grasshopper communications
66315-Oct-68Young, Cuyler, Jr.Human history in western Iran
66217-Sep-68Fenton, Brockthe ecology of bats in Ontario
66121-May-68Baillie, JimPoint Pelee and its birds
66016-Apr-68Johnstone, DaveRabies in Ontario
65919-Mar-68Rogers, EdThe Indians of Ontario
65820-Feb-68Pointing, PhilFly-fishing by a biologist
65723-Jan-68Gunn, W. W. H.Sable Island
65619-Dec-67Tasker, RonThe Yukon Alpine Centennial Expedition
65521-Nov-67Savage, HowardFowl pox in native North American birds
65417-Oct-67Peterson, RandolphBats and madagascar
65319-Sep-67Brodie, SteveRenewing nature’s wealth
65216-May-67Neal, JohnBiological assessment of water
65118-Apr-67Baillie, JimOntario’s early naturalists
650Mar 67Emerson, NormanThe problem of identifying Cahiague
650Mar 67Outram, AllanSome club history
649Feb 67Barlow, JonDo birds hibernate?
648Jan 67Townsend, G. F.The world of the honey bee
647Dec 66Speakman, JohnThe Eastern Arctic Patrol, 1966
646Nov 66Bowness, E. RendleThe effect of light on mink reproduction
645Oct 66Outram, AlanBear-baiting
644Sep 66Long, CharlesMilawi (formerly Nyasaland)
643May 66Scollard, NormanThe 1966 seal hunt
642Apr 66Bertin, LeonardMan in space
641Mar 66Turner, K.The use of pesticides in Ontario
640Feb 66Churcher, C. S.The Incas of Peru
639Jan 66Shortt, TerryThe Galapagos
638Dec 66Bodsworth, FredThe world of birds
637Nov 66Barlow, JonUruguayan zoogeography
63619-Oct-65Gatti, ArioA year underwater
63521-Sep-65Heppes, JohnGame conservation in Uganda
63418-May-65Falls, BruceA naturalist looks at Australia
63320-Apr-65Dyer, MelThe Red-winged Blackbird control project
63216-Mar-65Gatti, ArioWildlife of the southwestern United States
63116-Feb-65Martin, NormForest successions in Algonquin Park
63019-Jan-65Hunt, MurrayDeposition of fallout strontium-90 in the teeth of children and cattle
62915-Dec-64McLean, DonaldZoonoses
62817-Nov-64Carrick, BillWaterfowl
62729-Oct-64Tovell, WalterAndean impressions
62617-Sep-64Helmsley, AlThe International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
62519-May-64Harif, HahamadBackground to British Guiana
62421-Apr-64Anderson, RoyA new explanation for the Neurologic Disease (moose staggering)
62317-Mar-64Gatti, ArioThe diorama of the tea country of India
62218-Feb-64Churcher, C. S.Sabre-toothed tigers
62121-Jan-64Rodgers, K.Great Lakes research aboard the Port Dauphine
62017-Dec-63Fallis, MurrayBlood parasites of birds
61919-Nov-63Jorgenson, ErikProblems of control of the Dutch elm disease
61815-Oct-63Tasker, RonArctic Scandinavia
61717-Sep-63Brodie MembersVarious
61621-May-63Speakman, JohnGlaucoma
61516-Apr-63Gatti, Ario; Carrick, BillUnderwater photography
61419-Mar-63Lemon, RoyROM fossil explorations in South America
61319-Feb-63Rogers, EdThe Mistassini Indians of south central Quebec
61215-Jan-63Ryder, R. A.Fisheries survey of the Patricia portion of northern Ontario
61118-Dec-62Clarke, C. H. D.East Africa
61020-Nov-62Pimlott, DouglasWolves
60916-Oct-62Baldwin, DonThe 1962 Sutton River bird expedition
60818-Sep-62Brodie MembersVarious
60717-Apr-62Lowther, James K.Polymorphism in the genus Zonotrichia
60620-Mar-62Dailey, RobertThe Eskimos of Rankin Inlet
60520-Feb-62Lumsden, HarryGrouse taxonomy
60416-Jan-62Satterly, JohnSouth African wildlife
60319-Dec-61Swinton, WilliamArchaeopteryx and the origin of birds
60221-Nov-61Peterson, Randolph1961 Expedition to British Guiana
60116-Oct-61Gunn, W. W. H.Telescope photography
60019-Sep-61Baillie, JimMembers’ notes and observations
59918-Apr-61Scollard, NormanZoological Gardens
59821-Mar-61Hussell, David J. T.Bird migration at Long Point
59721-Feb-61Dymond, J. R.The Great Lakes Fisheries Commission
59617-Jan-61Crossman, EdPike
59520-Dec-60Brown, WilliamBirds of South America
59415-Nov-60Henderson, GavinA report on land use
59317-Oct-60Brodie MembersVarious
59220-Sep-60Brodie MembersVarious
59117-May-60Clarke, C. H. D.Nomina obitera
59019-Apr-60Carrick, BillFilm night: Ducks Unlimited, World in a Marsh, and Wildlife in the Rockies
58925-Mar-60Baillie, JimA trip to Florida from Toronto
5889-Feb-60Livingstone, John A.Oil pollution in the sea.
58719-Jan-60Edmund, GordonThe 1958 ROM Expedition to Peru
58615-Dec-59Strasser, KenMetro Toronto Recreation and Conservation Authority
58517-Nov-59Scott, BevThe fishery resources of the Northwest Territories
58427-Oct-59Churcher, C. S.The dam on the Zambesi and the stone ruins at Zimbabwi
58323-Sep-59Brodie MembersVarious
58221-Apr-59Fowle, DavidThe Wildlife Research Division, Dept. of Lands and Forests of Ontario
58124-Mar-59de Vos, AnthonyBehaviour of caribou
58024-Feb-59Logier, ShelleySnakes of Ontario
57927-Jan-59Wilson, J. TuzoGeodesy and geophysics
57816-Dec-58McIlwraith, TomArchaeological investigations on the north shore of Lake Superior
57725-Nov-58Snyder, Lester L.1958 American Ornithologists’ Union meeting, New York, NY
57628-Oct-58Falls, Bruce and Szijj, LesMechanisms of avian migratory navigation
57523-Sep-58Brodie MembersVarious
57422-Apr-58Lunn, JohnBiology as revealed in archaeology
57325-Mar-58Lumsden, HarryBreeding colonies of Snow and Blue Geese on Cape Henrietta Maria
57225-Feb-58Emerson, NormanRacial discrimination
57128-Jan-58Brodie MembersVarious
57017-Dec-57Burger, DysLand and water problems in the Netherlands
56926-Nov-78Urquhart, FredLife cycle of the Monarch Butterfly
56822-Oct-57Edwards, YorkLife zones of British Columbia
56724-Sep-57Brodie MembersVarious
56623-Apr-57Fowle, DavidWildlife on the Hudson Bay Plains
56526-Mar-57Dunning, R. W.Experiences with northern Ojibwa Indians
56426-Feb-57Hepburn, RobinSnow cover in Ontario
56329-Jan-57Ide, FredSome harmful effects of D.D.T.
56218-Dec-56Brodie, A. J.Czechoslovakia Forestry Conference (cont.)
56127-Nov-56Brodie, A. J.1956 Forestry Conference in Czechoslovakia
56023-Oct-56Tilt, RussWild Rice in Ontario
55925-Sep-56Brodie MembersVarious
55824-Apr-56Outram, AlanNatural history of the Florida Keys
55727-Mar-56Kidd, KenThe Serpent Mound Archaeological Site, Rice Lake
55628-Feb-56Ridley, FrankArchaeological excavation at Frank Bay, Lake Nippissing
55524-Jan-56Carrick, BillPhotographing polar bear and walrus on Southampton Island
55413-Dec-55Allin, A. A.A naturalist and Provincial Pathologist at the Lakehead
55322-Nov-55Snyder, Lester L.1955 American Ornithologists’ Union meeting in Boston, MA
55225-Oct-55Helmsley, AlInterpretive services in Provincial Parks
55127-Sep-55Brodie MembersVarious
55026-Apr-55Clarke, C. H. D.Explorations and natural history of the Prairies in the 18th Century
54922-Mar-55Emerson, NormanArchaeological expedition to Southampton Island
54822-Feb-55Thompson, Andrew; Snyder, Lester, Falls, Bruce, Walker, E. M.Our changing climate
54725-Jan-55Baillie, JimThe history of the Christmas Census
54621-Dec-54Ritchie, Robert C.Lymphosarcoma in the Maskinonge
54523-Nov-54Dymond, J. R.Recent trends in natural history interest
54426-Oct-54Peterson, RandolphThe genus Phenacomys
54328-Sep-54Brodie MembersVarious
54227-Apr-54Brodie MembersVarious
54123-Mar-54McIlwraith, TomThe dependence of human populations on the physical environment
54023-Feb-54Snyder, Lester L.Summer distribution of birds by species in Ontario
53926-Jan-54Brodie MembersVarious
53812-Jan-54Brodie MembersVarious
5377-Apr-53McIlwraith, TomA new application of science re extra-sensory perception
53617-Mar-53Fowle, David1953 North American Wildlife conference, Washington
5353-Mar-53Campbell, J. A.Rabies, past and present
53417-Feb-53Soper, J. H.The hart’s-tongue fern
5333-Feb-53Devitt, Ott; Mayall, KenThe Kirtland’s Warbler; Ice
53220-Jan-53Stermberg, L.the museum trip to Gaspe, 1952
5316-Jan-53Baillie, JimThe 1952 Christmas Census
53016-Dec-52Clarke, C. H. D.Wildlife in the Soviet Union
5292-Dec-52Outram, AlanThe panther in New Brunswick
52818-Nov-52McIlwraith, TomA trip along the northern coast of Scotland
5274-Nov-52Snyder, Lester L.American Ornithologists’ Union Meeting in Baton Rouge, LA
52621-Oct-52Ussher, R. D.Impressions of a summer Park Naturalist at Rondeau
5257-Oct-52Carrick, BillFilms on Point Pelee
5241-Apr-52Mayall, KenRecreational parks
52320-Mar-52Fowle, DavidThe Southern Research Station, Maple
5224-Mar-52Snyder, Lester L.Little green flycatchers
52119-Feb-52Falls, Bruce; Smith, DonWildlife research on Long Point
5205-Feb-52Gunn, W. W. H.Algonquin Park research
51922-Jan-52Fowle, DavidEcology of the Ruffed Grouse
5188-Jan-52Udvardy, Dr.How birds spread and colonize new reas
51711-Dec-51McIlwraith, TomThe Origin of Christmas
51627-Nov-51de Vos, AnthonyThe Fisher
51515-Nov-51Brodie MembersVarious
51430-Oct-51Brodie MembersVarious
51316-Oct-51Brodie MembersVarious
5128-May-51Clarke, C. H. D.The Kon-tiki Expedition
51124-Apr-51Brodie MembersVarious
51010-Apr-51Williamson, Vic; Devitt, OttDetermination of hairs by impression; Anthony Gapper, 1799-1883
50927-Mar-51McIlwraith, TomThe relationship between race and cultural achievements
50813-Mar-51Cook, F. S.; Edwards, R. Y.Vitamins in plants; Wilderness Parks: good land use?
50727-Feb-51Ghent, PercyX-rays in zoology
50613-Feb-51Ritchie, Robert C.An hydatid cyst
50530-Jan-51Munro, David A.Birds of the upper Columbia Rier Vally
50416-Jan-51Carrick, BillPelee Island
5032-Jan-51Cringan, Alex; Hope, CliffObservations in Patricia District, June and July 1950
50219-Dec-50Soper, J. H.With camera and vasculum through southern Ontario
5015-Dec-50Hambly, D. H.The proposed biological colour standards
50021-Nov-50Outram, AllanSocial meeting
4997-Nov-50Cringan, Alex; Hope, CliffCanadian Institute of Forestry Meeting; The birds of Wyoming
49824-Oct-50Gunn, W. W. H.1950 American Ornithologists’ Union Meeting in Minneapolis, MN
49710-Oct-50Brodie MembersVarious
49626-Sep-50Brodie MembersVarious
4959-May-50Gunn, W. W. H.A trip to the eastern Arctic
49425-Apr-50Falls, BruceSudies of the behaviour of deer mice
49311-Apr-50Hope, Cliff & Peterson, R. R.Preparation of skeletal material
49228-Mar-50Cringan, AlexThe food habits of the woodland caribou
49114-Mar-50de Vos, AnthonyThe fisher and marten in Canada
49028-Feb-50Thompson, Stuart; Lindsay, R. V.Avian insanity; Some repiles in eastern Ontario
48914-Feb-50Creswick, W. P.Regional classification of southern Ontario
48831-Jan-50Miller, D. S.Films of penguins, warblers and carnivores
48717-Jan-50Baillie, JimUnique bird specimens from Ontario
4863-Jan-50Ide, FredStreams
48520-Dec-49Fowle, DavidTypes of research
4846-Dec-49McIlwraith, TomA holiday on Prince Edward Island
48322-Nov-49Toner, GeorgeConservation: A pessimistic view
4828-Nov-49Lawrie, A. H.Survey of barren-ground caribou in northern Manitoba and southern Keewatin District
48125-Oct-49Snyder, Lester L.; Baillie, D. A.1949 AOU meeting in Buffalo, NY; 1949 National Audubon Society Convention in Deroit, MI
48027-Sep-49Brodie MembersVarious
47910-May-49Brodie MembersVarious
47826-Apr-49McIlwraith, TomFood of Homo sapiens
47712-Apr-49Hambly, D. H.A standard system of coulours in biological work
47629-Mar-49Gunn, W. W. H.Barometric pressure patterns and their relations to migrations and distribution
47515-Mar-49Devitt, Ott; Outram, AlanA trip to Banff in 1947; Bats: relation of food to teeth
4741-Mar-49Lindsay, R. V.; Myall, KenObservations on the fauna of the Gogama Region; Relations between naturalists and hunters
47315-Feb-49Urquhart, Fred1948 survey of the mosquitoes of Toronto
4721-Feb-49Brodie, A. J.Biological control of insect pests
47118-Jan-49Ide, FredNatural history of the Collingwood region
4704-Jan-49Clarke, C. H. D.Man and other large mammals
46921-Dec-48Scott, BevCommercial fishing in Ontario
4687-Dec-48de Vos, AnthonyMammals of Indonesia
46723-Nov-48Carrick, Bill; Fowle, C. D.Duck research at Delta Research Station; Pelee Island Pheasant shoot 1948
4669-Nov-48Hope, Cliff & Peterson, R. R.1948 ROM expedition to Cape Henrietta Maria
46526-Oct-48Baillie, JimLife & works of Charles Fothergill, 1782-1840
46412-Oct-48Bard, FredWaterbird & shorebird situation in western Canada
46328-Sep-48Brodie MembersVarious
4624-May-48Ide, FredLife history of echinoderms
46120-Apr-48LindsayLife history and habits of the bullfrog
46030-Mar-48CampbellZoological parks in Toronto
45916-Mar-48RutterWhat am I doing here
4582-Mar-48Mayall, KenConservation in the Department of Planning and Development
45717-Feb-48HaimburgerTree hybridization
4563-Feb-48MacArthur; CarrickExperiments in selection; Motion pictures of the Delta Duck Station
45520-Jan-48GunnPictorial record of Exercise Muskox
4546-Jan-48CarrickDuck studies at Delta, MB
45323-Dec-47UssherSome aspects of reforestation
4529-Dec-47ScottFishing with the pound net
45125-Nov-47Peterson; LaflammeThe moose in Ontario; Observations on moose, wolves and bears
45011-Nov-47Satterly; Snynder, Baillie and LloydInsect catastrophe at Rondeau; memorials on P. A. Taverner
44928-Oct-47Edwards; SoperA study of the short-tailed shrew; Aquatic plants at Whitewater Lake
44814-Oct-47Hope; BaillieDuck population of Bradley’s Marsh; Double-crested Cormorant in Ontario
44730-Sep-47MembersBusiness and observations
44613-May-47SaundersLife and work of William Bartram
44529-Apr-47Dymond; ShorttBy air to Sweden; The future of our avifauna
44415-Apr-47Downing; HarrodDistribution of the brown rat in Ontario; Amateur and professional naturalists
4431-Apr-47Harrington; SatterlyNot a physiological impossibility, but a biological improbability; Patricia from the air
44218-Mar-47Hope; James, CampbellBird population studies in Algonquin Park; Fishing on the Albany River
4414-Mar-47Baillie; Ide; CampbellRecollections of some former Brodie Club members; Natural history in Newfoundland; Early days in Newfoundland
44018-Feb-47Snyder; Toner; LogierSnowy Owl migrations; Effect of predation on vertebrate populations
4394-Feb-47Thompson; UssherLife and work of Ernest Thompson Seton; How to study birds
4377-Jan-47Baillie; GunnHistory of the Christmas Bird Census; Exercise Muskox
43617-Dec-46Buss; LindsayStudy of Pheasant population in Wisconsin; The Pancake Tortoise
4353-Dec-46ClarkeThe beast of Gevaudan
43419-Nov-46Members6 short talks at 25th anniversary dinner (Royal York Hotel)
433 No meeting — number skipped to correct a numbering error made in 1933
4325-Nov-46Brodie; LeesonThe Coordination of forest insect control in Canada; Non-parasitic skin diseases of the dog
43122-Oct-46BoggsCollecting in South America
4308-Oct-46MembersBusiness and observations
42924-Sep-46MembersBusiness and observations
42814-May-46MembersBusiness and observations
42730-Apr-46Leeson; HopeCanine distemper; Food of the Snowy Owl in Toronto region
42616-Apr-46HewittBird on the home front
4252-Apr-46Brodie; DowningEsperimental work on the spruce budworm with DDT; population and range studies on small ammmals at Smoke Lake, Algonquin Park
42419-Mar-46RussellWartime observations in England
4235-Mar-46Hope; EdwardsBird population studies in Algonquin Park; The Wilderness Area [Algonquin Park]
42219-Feb-46McCowanScenery and wildlife of the Canadian Rockies
4215-Feb-46Snyder; SouthamTradition in bird life; Rattus norvegicus
42022-Jan-46OughtonSuccess in the snail world
4198-Jan-46Rutter; ClarkeChristmas Bird Census report; Nomina Abitera
41818-Dec-45Devitt; ThompsonPenicillin; Bird out of place and why
4174-Dec-45Harrod; BaillieThe orange garden spider; Early Ontario naturalists
41620-Nov-45Fallis; McIlwraith; UssherRuffed Grouse investigations; The Bushmen of South Africa
4156-Nov-45MacArthurSexing of chickens
41423-Oct-45Satterly; ShorttGeological history of the Bruce Peninsula; Visit to Lake Athabaska
4139-Oct-45Urquhart; RutterTermites; Field day report
41226-Sep-45MembersBusiness and observations
41115-May-45MembersBusiness and observations
4101-May-45MembersBusiness and observations
40917-Apr-45Carrick; DymondPhotographic souvenirs; Nature education
4083-Apr-45Leeson; OutramModern veterinary practice; Lice through the ages
40720-Mar-45Harrod; SternbergPreliminary survey of the spiders of Port Credit; Post-war museum technique
4066-Mar-45OughtonField work at Great Slave Lake, 1944
40520-Feb-45Owens; WhiteTrees of the Toronto Region; The Bay of Fundy
4046-Feb-45Brodie; LangfordThe spruce budworm; Experimental work with DDT in Algonquin Park
40323-Jan-45ClarkeThe Alaska Highway
4029-Jan-45Urquhart; RutterModern weather forecasting; Christmas Bird Census report
40119-Dec-44McIlwraith; DevittCharacters which distinguish man from other animals; Flightless birds of the world
4005-Dec-44Snyder; Baillie; Rutter; Logier; OughtonEarly days of the Brodie Club; Dr. William Brodie; Past 100 meetings; Philosophical review of natural science; Report from friends of the feathered folk
3997-Nov-44Downing; ClarkeGray Fox in Ontario; Master of the Game
39824-Oct-44Baillie; SatterlyFederation of Ontario Naturalists Nature School; Summer birds of Beatty-Munro area, Cochrane District
39710-Oct-44McDougall; SouthamLife and travels of Pallas; Two weeks at Mattawa, ON
39626-Sep-44ThompsonNames: what they mean and don’t mean
3959-May-44MembersBusiness and observations
39425-Apr-44WalkerRaces of the wingless grasshopper and their distribution
39211-Apr-44Campbell; SouthamNidification habits of captive birds; Th Emu
39128-Mar-44MembersW.E. Saunders memorial night (5 talks)
39014-Mar-44Harrington; OutramRelation of nutrition to physical degeneration;Nest sites and population of Baltimore Oriole
38929-Feb-44Ownes; TonerRagweeds; Rehabilitation and conservation
38815-Feb-44McIlwraith; SnyderOrigin of Norh American Indians; Rare bird records from Hudson Bay region
3871-Feb-44McDougall; SatterlyJoseph Hooker and friends; Geology of Renfrew County
38618-Jan-44Leeson; LindsayToronto Humane Society; Wild animal life in High Park – past & present
3854-Jan-44RutterChristmas Bird Census
38414-Dec-43Harrod; FallisNotes on spiders esp collection from Toronto; A recent trip to Guatemala
38330-Nov-43Smith; DymondAhsbirdg’s Marsh & Fisherman’s Island from the 1890’s to 1918; Geographical races
38216-Nov-43Devitt; Hope; MacArthurBella Lake bird ntoes; Wild Turkey in Virginia; melanism and its geographic distribution
3812-Nov-43Logier; Brown; BrodieMelanism & breeding habits of Eastern Garter Snake; Notes on ternate group of botrychiums; Conservation in post-war work
38019-Oct-43Harkness; BaillieSummer work at Put-In-Bay; Point Pelee birds
3794-Oct-43ShorttThayer’s Gull and its allies
37821-Sep-43MembersBusiness and observations
37711-May-43MembersBusiness and observations
37627-Apr-43Campbell; DowningA trip to North Carolina; Rabbits and hares
37513-Apr-43Shortt; LindsayCommentary on juncos; Amazing strength and stamina of animals
37429-Mar-43Walker; McIlwraithDistribution of dragonflies in ON; Three aspects of anthopological observation
37316-Mar-43Outram; BellIvory-billed Woodpecker; Fungus guns
3722-Mar-43Macklin; EmeryBotanical and other sketches; Examples of similitude
37116-Feb-43Dymond; SnyderSurvival of brown and rainbow trout in ON; Colour and colour patterns in birds
3703-Feb-43Coventry; ThompsonMor on “The Animal’s World,” Incidental observations
36919-Jan-43Hope, Shortt, DowningJames By Expedition of 1942
3685-Jan-43Satterly; BaillieMineral survey in Haliburton District; Christmas Bird Census report
36715-Dec-42MacArthur; TonerLaboratory and wild races [mice]; Red sore in the pike
3661-Dec-42Ownes; HurlburtThe ginkgo tree; Toronto bird stores of by-gone days
36517-Nov-42Fallis; DevittParasitism in Maskinonge; Hawks & Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
3643-Nov-42FortuneSocial customs affecting the hormone system
36320-Oct-42Shortt; DowningNorthwest Crow; Period of maximum activity of small mammals
3626-Oct-42Baillie; BrownRecords of Little Gull in America; Rare Ontario plants
36122-Sep-42MembersBusiness and observations
36012-May-42MacArthur; Satterly; SouthamBewick’s Wren; Parry Sound District minerals; Bird banding on Pilgrim Islands
35928-Apr-42Bell; Hurlburt; HarringtonSpore dispersal by fungi; Life of Charles Waterton; Cowbirds
35814-Apr-42Dymond; McIllwraith; RutterSymposium on criteria in systematics; Certain aspects of ethnological botany; Osteological regneration in birds
35731-Mar-42SaundersFirst introduction of European plants and animals in Canada
35617-Mar-42Campbell; Coventry; ThompsonCommentary on camels; The Animal’s World; European Starling
3553-Mar-42JacksonLess known facts about mushrooms
35417-Feb-42Hadwin; HopeReindeer compared to other domestic animals; Microtus peak of 1941-42
3533-Feb-42DwightTree growth
35220-Jan-42ColemanRural India
3516-Jan-42MembersAnnual reports; Christmas Bird Census
35016-Dec-41Oughton; ShorttNatural history of earthworms; Are there 2 races of Black Duck?
3492-Dec-41HunstmanThe Salmon’s World
34818-Nov-41Toner; McDougall; LogierCheck-list of Canadian reptiles and amphibians; Travles of Pere David; Spring appearance & northern ranges of reptiles and amphibians
3474-Nov-41HamlyThe Munsell Colour System
34621-Oct-41Baillie; SnyderThe Ancient Murrelet; To California and return
3457-Oct-41MembersBusiness and observations
34313-May-41Snyder; Toner; LogierProposed new race of Common Eider; “Living Treasure;” Items from Science News Letter
34229-Apr-41Gunn; DymondSpring migration at Scarboro; Comparisons between Florida and Ontario
34115-Apr-41TonerObservations on a trip to Florida
3401-Apr-41SolmanResearch work of Ducks Unlimited
33918-Mar-41Prince & Hope; Downing; HarringtonUse of dermestid beetles in preparing osteological specimens; Results of livetrapping small mammals; Use of scientific names
3384-Mar-41Munro; DowningObservations of Hairy Woodpecker and Mountain Bluebird; Status of the Red Fox
33718-Feb-41Dymond; BaillieCan animals survive freezing?; Trail of an artist-naturalist
3364-Feb-41RogersTravels of Wm. Bartram
33521-Jan-41MembersAnnual reports
3347-Jan-41Members6 short talks
33317-Dec-40SatterlyGeology of Kenora District
3323-Dec-40Fallis; McIlwraith; UssherParsite of the clothes moth; biological & socialization relations of humans & other mammals and effect of specialization on survial; Recent history of Pilieated Woodpecker
33119-Nov-40Hope; Prince; ScottROMZ Fort Severn Faunal Survey, 1940 [birds, mammals — including Indians, and fishes, respectively]
3305-Nov-40MembersJames Henry Fleming memorial programme (various speakers)
3305-Nov-40 Fleming memorial papers Part 1 and Part 2
32922-Oct-40Devitt; OughtonAOU meeting report; Mollusca of Newfoundland
3288-Oct-40Baillie; Logier; UrquhartEastern records of Western Meadowlark; Status of leopard frog; Insect musicians and banding of Monarch butterflies
32724-Sep-40MembersBusiness; observations
32614-May-40McDougallThe elephant in history with notes on its use in war
32530-Apr-40Harrington; Devitt; OughtonNaturalist’s impression of Florida; Food habits of Pilieated Woodpecker; Ornithological conchology
32416-Apr-40Brodie; EmeryForest soils; Ridgway’s color nomenclature
3232-Apr-40NashDescent of Man
32219-Mar-40Kurata; White; ShorttManitoulin Island spiders; fish migration studies; Cacti & other phenomena of Southwestern desert
3215-Mar-40SatterlyProspecting in Northern Rhodesia
32020-Feb-40Members; FallisAnnual reports: botany, streams, Christmas Bird Count; Swimmer’s Itch
3196-Feb-40Oughton, TaylorVisit to Canada’s eastern Arctic
31825-Jan-40MembersAnnual reports: weather, fungi, insects, fishes, amphibians & reptiles, birds, mammals
3179-Jan-40Taylor, Dr. T.M.C.; Fleming, J.H.Botanical studies on north shore of Lake Superior
31619-Dec-39Shortt; DowningBird of Cochrane-Moosonee region; Mammals of Cochrane-Moosonee area
3155-Dec-39MacLulich; Southam; LogierAlgonquin Park; Bird banding; philosophical conversation with a tomcat
31421-Nov-39Hope; Prince; ScottBirds, Mammals and Fishes [respectively] of the Lake Attawapiskat Region, ON
3137-Nov-39HadwenVist ot Reindeer herd on McKenzie Delta
31224-Oct-49Baillie; Cross; Oughton; UrquhardScarlet Tanager plumages; experimental live trapping of small mammals; Malacological Union meeting; Ontario crickets
31110-Oct-39WhelanLife and work at Smoky Falls, ON (with moving pictures)
31026-Sep-39MembersBusiness; observations
30916-May-39Lindsay; Owens; DevittBird reaction to distress calls; Weed dispersal; King Crab
3082-May-39Gunn; SatterlyCardinal studies in ON; Geology of Patricia, ON
30718-Apr-39Brodie; Cross; DowningDept Lands & Forests problems; Society of Mammals meeting; personality of Eliott Coues
3064-Apr-39Members5 short papers
30521-Mar-39MembersCharles Fothergill; ROMZ history; Rufous Hummingbird display; Pheasant and Cottontail parasites
3047-Mar-39WalkerImpressions of European natural history
30321-Feb-39Kurata; UrquhartField work at Point Pelle on spiders and grasshoppers [respectively]
3027-Feb-39Bell; cross; RussellSeasonal report – fungi; population cycles in ON fur-bearers; The Dodo
30124-Jan-39Members8 short talks
30010-Jan-39MembersTalks on William Brodie, the club past and present
29913-Dec-38Urquhart; Downing; McDougallReport on Entomological Society meeting; ROMZ mammal collecting in Lake Edward region of Quebec; Mark Catesby & his work
29829-Nov-38Hope, Prince, NealROMZ expedition ot Favourable Lake
29715-Nov-38Shortt; MolonyThrough the Canadian eastern Arctic; Pictures of Washington, D.C.
2961-Nov-38Snyder, Emery, Baillie, McDougall, DevittReport onn American Ornithologists’ Union meeting in Washington, D.C
29518-Oct-38Oughton; Logier; McIlwraithF. R. Latchford; Discovery of Butler’s garter snake in Ontario; Fish in their relationship to man
29420-Sep-38MembersBusiness and observations
29210-May-38Linday; Ussher; DevittBigalke’s Naturalization of Animals in South Africa; Bird census work in King Township; Moving pictures of birds
29126-Apr-38MayallRehabilitation survey in King Township
29012-Apr-38Harrington; Baillie, HopeTrip to West Indies & N South America; History & Distribution of the Evening Grosbeak; Variations in the Yellow Warbler.
28929-Mar-38WalkerOn the Taxonomy and evolution of Arthropods
28815-Mar-38Downing; OughtonEarthworms; Molluscs
2871-Mar-38members5 short presentations
28615-Feb-38DymondTrends in taxonomy
2851-Feb-38Coventry; McIlwraith; HurlburtEarly history of taxonomy
28418-Jan-38MembersSeasonal reports for 1937
2834-Jan-38Rutter; CoventryChristmas Bird Census 1937; Catacradles
28214-Dec-37Coventry; McIlwraith; HurlburtPyramides of numbers; Inland Eskimos; rediscovery of the Phillipine Parrot Finch
28130-Nov-37Fleming & Snyder; FlemingCharleston meeting of the A.O.U.; Waterton vs. Audubon
28016-Nov-37Baillie & Shortt; Harrington; OughtonThe waterfowl situation; Roosevelt, on concealing coloration; The malacologists’ convention
2792-Nov-37Corfe; Kurata; SouthamSphynx month invasion; Spiders; Bird banding
27819-Oct-37Dymond; SnyderSir John Richardson; Northwest Coast Sharp-shinned Hawk
2775-Oct-37MembersObservations and reviews
27621-Sep-37MembersObservations and reviews; Report on Annual field day
27511-May-37membersObservations and reviews
27427-Apr-37 Field trip to Dunlap Observatory
27313-Apr-37McCartney, Urquhart, LewisPublicity work of the Dept. Game & Fisheries; Migration, Emigration, etc.; Miscellaneous notes
27230-Mar-37White, RichardsFood of the Kingfisher; A trip to California
27116-Mar-37Hope; Fleming; CoventryFood study of the Short-eared Owl; Ontario Crossbills; Relation of size to breeding in mice
2702-Mar-37Oughton, TaylorDistribution in Ontario of molluscs and plants
26916-Feb-37Morris, Walker, LogierReminiscences of Dr. W. Brodie; Distribution in Ontario of insects, reptiles and amphibians
2682-Feb-37Dymond; LandonSeasonal report on fishes for 1936; Wild flowers.
26719-Jan-37MunroFood of mergansers in B.C.
2665-Jan-37Rutter, Snyder, Cross,DymondReport on Christmas Bird Census; Distribution in Ontario of birds, mammals, & fishes
26515-Dec-36Shortt; LindsayPictures from Alaska; Notes from the Zoo
2641-Dec-36ShorttThe Expedition to Alaska, 1936
26317-Nov-36HarknessWork of the Ontario Fisheries Research Lab
2623-Nov-36Fleming, Snyder, Baillie, McDougall, Emery1936 A.O.U. Meeting, Pittsburgh
26120-Oct-36Fallis; Oughton; CrossHousehold insects; Summer Notes-1936; Wolf vs. Deer
2606-Oct-36Dymond; FlemingKilling of Pileated Woodpeckers in Haliburton Co.; Legend of the migration of the Arctic Tern
25922-Sep-36RutterReport on annual field day
25812-May-36MembersObservations and reviews; field day plans
25728-Apr-36Taylor, Dr. T.M.C.; Fleming, J.H.Carnivorous plants; Current opinion on whether small landbirds are becoming scarce
25614-Apr-36Bennett, R.E.; Brodie, J.A.; Emery, F.H.Appreciation of John Townson; Prevailing land rights on Long Point; Review of Griscom paper on problems in field identification
25531-Mar-36Snyder, L. L.; Lewis, Dr. H.F.; Allin, Dr. A.E.Southward movement of Ptarmigan 1931-34; Two forms of Black Ducks; Ichthyological survey of Long Point
25417-Mar-36Sternberg, L.Pleistocene remains in La Brea tar pits
2533-Mar-36Ide, Dr. F.P.; Kurata, T.B., McIlwraith, Prof. T.F.Review of McAtee paper on protective adaptation; spiders; natural history observations from anthropological studies
25218-Feb-36Fletcher, J.Life of a trapper north of Churchill, Manitoba
2514-Feb-36Farmer, C.; Harrod, S.Nature photography; Sometechnical aspects of photography
25021-Jan-36MembersSeasonal reports for 1935
2497-Jan-36Rutter, R.J.; Irving, Prof. L.Report on Christmas Bird Census; Life and the Composition of the Sea
24817-Dec-35Snyder, L.L., Shortt, T. M., Hope, C.E.The ROMZ 1935 expedition
2473-Dec-35Learmonth, L. on King William Land
24619-Nov-35Huntsman, Dr. A.G.’ Seton, Ernest ThompsonSalmon investigations on Margaree River; Stories and reminiscences
2455-Nov-35Symposium; Oughton, J. G.How far can man control nature?; Rafinesque
2448-Oct-35memberselections, observations and reviews
24324-Sep-35Rutter, R.J.Report on annual field day