Brodie.group at lunch
Back Row, L to R: Xiaotian Wang, Jingbo Hou and Charlie Turton (guests of McAndrews), Sandra Eadie, Trudy Rising, Kathryn Falls (A. Falls), Glenda Slessor, Ann Falls, Bob Curry, David Hussell, Ed Addison.
Middle Row: Rose Addison, Kathy Lindsay (J. Riley), Sharon Hick (McAndrews), Ron Pittaway, Jean Iron, Leslie Ambedian (Kotanen), Ricky Dunn.
Front Row: L to R: Jeremy Hussell, Joy and Chris McAndrews (McAndrews), Jock McAndrews, John Riley, Peter Kotanen and Simon, Peggy Haist (Bertin) and Oliver Bertin.
Regrets were received from Abraham, B. Falls, A. and H. Juhola, Larsen, Machin, Martyn, Obbard, J. Rising, Seymour and Sutherland.

Jean Iron, Glenda Slessor, Bob Curry, Kathryn Lindsay
Jean Iron, Glenda Slessor, Bob Curry, Kathryn Lindsay

Jean Iron, Glenda Slessor
Jean Iron & Glenda Slessor

Jock McAndrews
Jock McAndrews

Jock shows so-called grinding stone
Jock giving alternate explanations for "grinding stone"

Learning about the lake
The expert on Crawford Lake (Jock) does some information transfer

On boardwalk
On the boardwalk

Part of the group
back, l to r: D. Hussell, O. Bertin, J. Iron, T. Rising, S. Hick, G. Slessor, R. Addison. Front, l-r: K. Falls, P. Haist, A. Falls, B. Curry, S. Eadie, J. Hussell

Ricky Dunn-Jeremy Hussell-Ed Addison
Ricky Dunn, Jeremy Hussell & Ed Addison

Sharon Hick snapping Jock & grandson
Sharon Hick taking photo of Jock McAndrews and his grandson

Simon Kotanen
Simon Kotanen with millipede

Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) A Falls
Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) -- Photo: A Falls

Ann Falls-Kathryn Falls (Slessor)
Ann and Kathryn Falls -- Photo: G. Slessor

David Hussell-Ricky Dunn (Slessor)
David Hussell and Ricky Dunn -- Photo: G. Slessor

Ed Addison-Bob Curry (Slessor)
Ed Addison and Bob Curry -- Photo: G. Slessor

Jeremy Hussell-Sandra Eadie (Slessor)
Jeremy Hussell, Sandra Eadie -- Photo: G. Slessor

Jock McAndrews-Oliver Bertin-Paggy Haist-Sharon Hick (Slessor)
Jock McAndrews, Oliver Bertin, Peggy Haist, Sharon Hick -- Photo: G. Slessor

John Riley-Kathryn Falls-Leslie Ambedian-Peggy Haist (Slessor)
John Riley, Kathryn Falls, Leslie Ambedian, Peggy Haist -- Photo: G. Slessor

Rose Addison-Ron Pittaway (Slessor)
Rose Addison, Ron Pittaway -- Photo: G. Slessor

Sandra Eadie-Rose Addison-Trudy Rising (Slessor)
Sandra Eadie, Rose Addison, Trudy Risking -- Photo: G. Slessor

Maidenhair Spleenwort rsz-A Falls
Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) -- Photo: A. Falls

Rattlesnake Fern (Botrichium virginianum) A Falls
Rattlesnake Fern (Botrypus virginianum) -- Photo: A Falls

Rock polypody (Polypodium virginianum) rsz- A Falls
Rock polypody (Polypodium virginianum) -- Photo: A Falls

Turkey Vulture - A Falls
Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) -- Photo: A. Falls

Walking Fern on mossy rock face-A Falls
Walking fern (Asplenium rhizophyllum) -- Photo: A. Falls